Feast Analysis:
An animated short film I admire is Pixar's production of Feast.
Feast is a romantic comedy that expresses a well told story about man's best friend. This anecdote gives an inside look on how Winston, the dog, reacts when his owner starts to date.
In this story, the protagonist, Winston, is introduced to a new life style after his owner takes him in off the streets. It wasn't a challenge for Winston to adapt because of his deep love a food. As time goes by, Winston and his owner's bond grew. Later in the story a woman gets introduced, causing Winston's life to go sideways. It wasn't until one day when Winston realized life wasn't about food, it was abut making his owner happy.
The Feast is an example of how caring and helping your friends and family is more important then objects or even food...
How was Feast made?

As you watch the video, you will find that most of their shots were the same. This is an artistic technique used to show quick cuts of each shots. In fact, animator Patrick Osborne, said that the story of Feast was based off of the app 1secondeveryday. This app allows users to create 1 second videos and mash them together, making a story. Osborne used this app to create a video of the dinner he ate. This gave him the thought of making a nice short film based off the app.
I really enjoyed this short film because it shows a lovable dog who witnesses his owner finding true love. He realized that he loved his owner more than his food.
I loved how they edited this story with the repeating short. I think it was really original and different compared to other shorts. It gives a different look on how to capture the story. I can only hope to be this unique.