Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Plausible Impossible

In this picture Dopey is swallowing soup that Snow White made for the seven dwarfs. When he does swallow his head squashes down then back up. The plausible is if you swallow your food your head will some what follow your food down your neck. In reality our heads are not flexible so they can not squash down but this is impossible because he can squash his head when swallowing.
This picture shows Dopey slurping in the soup. He is holding it away from his body though yet still slurping it into his mouth. The plausible is if you sucking hard enough then the soup will slurp right into your mouth without you holding the spoon to your  mouth. The reality is you must hold your food to your mouth in order for you to eat it but impossible because he can actually do it holding the spoon away from his face.
The seven dwarfs are trying to get the soap and spoon out of Dopey. They decide to open his mouth and reach in to grab it. While doing so Dopey hiccups and causes the spoon to float out of his mouth in a bubble. Th plausible is if you swallow soap, then some other object and hiccup the object will float out of your mouth in a bubble. The reality is if you swallow soap and an object you will not have them floating out of you. The impossible is in this film you can hiccup and have your swallowed object come back up.
This image shows Dopey who just swallowed the bar of soap. Once he does Dopey starts to hiccup bubbles. The plausible is if you swallow a whole bar of soap then you will hiccup bubbles. In reality no one can swallow a bar of soap whole and if they did they would not be able to hiccup bubbles. The impossible is in this film everyone can do that and start hiccuping causing bubbles to come out of your mouth.

This picture shows the seven dwarfs trying to get the soap and spoon out of Dopey's mouth. Happy kicks Dopey to make the soap and spoon fly out of his mouth. The plausible is if Happy kicked Dopey hard enough, then the soap and spoon will come out of his mouth. In reality you can't get any item out of you by having someone kick you from behind. The impossible is that this is what happens in the scene.

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