Sunday, December 14, 2014

These Are Not the Donors You Are Looking For

In Video class we were assigned to make unscripted videos where we will film and interview one person about what they are doing. The goal is to create a story. In our first project we were assigned partners and had to film them building a Star Wars Lego Spaceship. We were also assigned to film the ONW Blood Drive.

My Process-                                                               Lego Project:
These kinds of project does not require you to storyboard. It is unscripted with live action. While filming, I tried to get all six shots. This project was difficult because I didn't know what was going to happen and how the footage would turn out.

What did I learn?-
These assignments taught me a lot about unscripted filming. When filming, you couldn't have a tripod. I learned how to hold a camera steady and keep me balance. I learned how to stand close to the person your filming. This allows you to hear the subject when he/she is talking and to get good close-ups. In the editing stage we learned how to do J and L edits. J and L edits are when you take a clips of video or audio and overlap them making a J or an L. Nat noise is also required in this project. It makes the video seem more real and helps the audio flow together. All this helped me create my lego project below.

What would I do differently?-
The Lego project was harder than I would have expected. Looking back on my footage I realized, I didn't hold the camera steady enough. This made is hard to find good shots of of my subjects I was filming. If i got the chance to redo these assignments I would have gotten more of a variety of shots. In my Blood Drive video, I didn't get the chance to film my subject donating any blood. This made it hard for me to create an ending in my store. My solution was to make the very last shot of my video turn into  a horror film. I also would have asked more questions. In my Lego project I didn't ask enough questions while filming. This caused my video to have a lot of voice overs in it. I believe fixing these problems will make my videos more professional and interesting to watch.

What would I do the same?-                                      Blood Drive:
Out of my two projects, I would keep the interviews I did in the Blood Drive project. My group had to share a camera. Unfortunately, we didn't get to finish filming but, we decided to take all of what we filmed and combined it. This made my Blood Drive video more interesting because it showed the thoughts and opinions of multiple people at the blood drive.

What experiences will you draw from to enhance your next project?-
These assignments have taught me many things about unscripted filming. I will remember to ask more questions to my subjects. I will also remember to manage my time and make sure I get enough footage.  I will learn from the mistakes to make my next video even better! This will make my future videos look a lot more professional.